Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I chose. This.

Hari ni aku belajar satu benda yang sangat terkesan bagi aku. Benda simple je. Tapi aku terlalu get emotionally moved.

Tadi ada Pe0ple and Disease seminar kat Leicester General Hospital. GP aku tanya, “How would you respond if your patient gets suddenly at the top of their feelings and starts weeping?”

Change your tone of voice.

Give it a pause. Let the silence calm everything down.

Ask whether he/she wants to continue.

Empathize. Say something like, “I can see it has been tough for you to go through those difficulties,” or “I’m sorry to hear that,”

Tapi aku terfikir lama bila consultant aku cakap macam ni:

But NEVER say “I understand how you feel” because we are not there, we don’t experience what they do so we can never understand.

Macam aku cakap, benda simple je, tapi aku betul-betul terkesan. I think it's because of the close intimacy that I have with my EQ that actually brought me into the deep thoughts.

Lupi pernah buat hospital attachment kat Manchester hospital dulu, masa family aku ada kat sana. Dia kata, dia tengok depan mata dia, macam mana doctor tu nak break a bad news. Patient tu ada brain tumor. Bayangkan, macam mana kita nak bagitau seseorang tu yang dia ada brain tumor? It’s not easy, man!!! Susah sangat. Manusia ni ada Emotional Quotient. Sangat susah nak internalise the feelings.

Tapi all this while, we take the EQ for granted kan? Memang la susah nak meet everyone’s needs tapi.. hmm.. ntahla. Aku tak dapat bayangkan kalau aku dah jadik doctor nanti, nak buat breaking bad news, ntah2 aku join nangis skali kot? Serious. Tapi.. hmm.. doctor must be mentally and emotionally strong la kan. Kalau tak macam mana patient nak be strong.

Apa aku membebel ni? Haha.. Dah la bahasa tunggang terbalik. Takpelah. I don’t expect you to totally understand what I’m talking about but I hope you could at least catch my drift.

Otak aku lagi sikit dah nak explode. Kalau explode, sia-sia je kalau semua isi keluar balik. Jadi, untuk tanak bagi explode, mari kita tido!

What to do. Medicine. I chose this line.
photo taken by abdhakamabdah.
"Dina, ko memang kena sabar n tabah. Ujian yang ko bakal hadapi, memang sangat mencabar. Sangat-sangat mencabar. But don't worry. Allah is with you.."


Anonymous said...

Dina,its not u who chose this line. It has already been preordained for you,coz He knows whats best for you~~

Cheers =)

Ai said...

Allah knows what WOULD she choose, and she CHOSE this.


deynarashid said...

si pemalas- one sweet day, u will understand by what i meant 'i chose this line' because people tend to tanya 'Kenapa 'this line' dina??? kenapa????'. kalau cakap 'because He knows what's best for me' orang takkan puas hati dan tanya lagi, 'tapi kenapa 'this line'?'

so yea.. because i chose this line.

and yea.. for what He has put me through, i couldnt see anything ahead of me but 'this line'.

eh, kite seriously x faham dgn ape yg kite merepek ni. hahahaha..

how was ur IPE? Kita baru tahu lepas strand 3 nnt ada satu exam besar on IPE. wawawa..

deynarashid said...

ai, like duh! :P - yes ai, u are soo soo right.