Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sheesh, I'm getting insane!~

You know what word will Lupi and Abg Amir say when they have reached one level of insanity? 'MENTALITY' that is. Not that mentality in a sense of a person's particular way of thinking about things (well, perhaps it goes that way sometimes) but it is more effective when you say it out loud maybe with a moan or groan and your hand movement is pretty much shaking your head or something so that you will feel the whole of insanity rising up within yourself just gradually. Uh, that is a very bad explanation I know but you get what I mean don't you? Ahah..forget it. All I'm trying to say here is I feel like shaking my head and tearing my hair out over the madness I'm confronting with right this second and shout out loud on top of my lungs: MENTALITYYYY!!!!

Yes, I'm crazy. Who cares? Sue me.

My mind seems not in a very good condition lately. Not that it shatters into pieces or something (even though I feel like it does) but the idea of enrolling in a new college where all the pursuers of goals are placed, that is what I'm dreading of. Not another competition, yes? Perhaps the thoughts of meeting up new temporary rivalries has affected me a tad. Err no, a load I mean.

Well, I have not finished packing up all my stuff yet. Seems like I'm taking everything along with me to the college! Everything as in my favourite bedroom, my beloved and my only friend SAMATRON (no, not dell or apple or whatnots) with Pentium 4 along with streamyx, refrigerator with full of beverages in it, the 29inches television attached with the astro, Abg Azam's hi-fi with all the CDs and basically everything!! Come on, I've been staying at home for 7 months and these are the things that I got for company. And now I have to leave them behind??! Uh, tough!!!~

But what can I do. Study seems more important than all those junks right? Eeeeyuw, I can't accept! Can't accept I'm starting my study again! *pant pant!!* But yea, I'll get used to it. I just need to get over it.

Anyway, the IB results has been announced several days ago. Alhamdulillah Lupi got 41 over 45 which is good to me. He has given his best after all so that is what he deserves. For now, he is still waiting for the Sheffield Summer Reserve List results of which will be announced this August. I really hope he gets the offer so that he won't be that far from me if I happen to read medicine in UK soon insyaAllah or otherwise, he'll be leaving for Ireland this September. He really needs to pray hard as yet. So do I..

Ooooh, it's almost 10 so better go and get my stuff packed!!! Later!~

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