Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Lembah Beringin, here I come!

I slept at 330am last night. Yep, packed the stuff up at the eleventh hour, that is always being me. Haha.. What can I do, procrastinating can sometimes be defined as somewhat a trait that I inherited from Mum. Ooops! Heh..

And I woke up early this morning. Sleeping hours don't seems enough so might be leaving for kyuem with a panda looks. Heh.. Lets take that as compliments, boleh tak? Ahah..

And so I'll be leaving just soon, real soon. Can't write too long or the entry would look like an essay I wrote for my GCE-O so, that is not a good thing for gibberish may take place most of the space. So I just wanna say, I'm gonna miss EVERY s.i.n.g.l.e. t.h.i.n.g. I'll try to update as frequently as I can so should not have worried with this post as it is not the last goodbye. Heh..

So guys, (especially to those who have been reading my post ever since), thanks a lot. Wish me luck and do pray for me. Luv you guys!

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