Monday, January 09, 2006

the broken bond

Dekat surau orang still tengah takbir. Terasa macam raya puasa la pulak. Heh.. Baru habis tolong dad buat ketupat. After so many years, this is the first time we celebrate raya haji in Bangi. Pak Man pergi haji. Tok Baa pun ikut skali so tak syok ah raya tanpa diorang. Anid tanya soalan bangang tadi “Dad, daun ketupat ni nak buat apa?”. “Penyapu” Tu dina yang jawab la. Heh.. Semua ada kat rumah; abg Norman, abg Azam, semua la. Pak Pi, Pak Amir ngan Mak Sue je takde. Dah lama tak gather ramai2 pastu gelak2 cam tahpape. Haha..Rindu la pulak kat diorang.

Actually tak tau nak cakap apa. Tiba2 terasa cam teringin nak tulis merepek macam encik taiko. First time baca blog yg ada unsur2 ketidak matangan seorang abang. Abang la kot kan. Takkan uncle kot. Uncle utk orang yang tertentu je. Heh.. Taiko baya along ima, dah ada 3orang anak tapi otak masih mampu pikir macam kanak2. Hebat betul. One thing yg hebat pasal taiko, die punye memory cukup mantap. Respek gak ah walaupun die tulis cam merepek sket. Heh.. Tau blog encik taiko from blog nadya. Tau blog nadya from blog mr. plumber. Tau blog mr.plumber from blog Mommy. Tau blog Mommy from blog dr.mirul. Tau blog mirul from blog syazwan. Tau syazwan through friendster, kawan alitt. Siapakah alitt?

Kalau nak cite pasal alitt, sampai esok tak habis. The only thing I can say about him is, he was one of those who had taught me a lot about life. Maybe without him, I’d never knew what a friendship means. Maybe without him, I’d never knew how to laugh over small things. Yea, he taught me how to laugh. Silly, I know. Maybe without him, I’d never knew how to do stupid jokes. Maybe without him, I’d never knew how beautiful my life would be with the presence of the most precious friend beside. Uh, I dislike talking about the past and this may get sentimental but to tell you the truth, if I ever had a chance to make a wish, it would be to reunite the friendship we once built and re-forge the bond that we used to have.

And maybe without him, I’d never knew a fact that if you loved someone too much; you could end up hating that person greatly. And if you loathed someone too much that you couldn’t stand him for a second, you could end up treasuring him for your entire life.

Kenapa dina post bende ni malam raya haji macam ni? Because he once asked me “Dina, agak2nya raya haji bila boleh aku mampu korban sekor unta and bagi kat orang2 miskin?”. Tak sempat nak jawab pape die dah jawab “Tunggu 5 tahun lagi, insyaAllah aku dah kaya. Haha..”. Yep, that was 5 years ago. And now, I wonder if he could materialize his words. I hope he could…
Happy Aidil-adha, people :)


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Mauro Mateos...from Patagonia Argentina...sorry for my wrong english.
I want say you your blog is beatyful.


Anonymous said...

peminat baru from argentina eh dina?..hebat adik aku nie..huahua..lame tak dgr cerita psl alitt..dia kat mana skrg nie?..sure rindu gila kat dia..anyways, selamat hari raya aidiladha..krm salam kat semua -im

deynarashid said...

mauro- thanx mauro :) it's very nice of u to drop by my blog. do come again. eheh..

im- agak2nye peminat baru tu mampu diminati balik oleh dina x? heh..alitt masih idop kot. mane org tau die katne. takde, hr tu tgh kemas2 bilik pastu terjmpe surat cinta dolu2. hahahaha..lawak gile siut surat tu..dah krm slm dah. sorg pun x knal sape im. haha

Anonymous said...

macam pernah dengar nama mana eh?

deynarashid said...

deja vu kot :)