Friday, January 27, 2006

For Once..

For once, I want to believe that there is still a glimmer of hope.
For once, I want to believe that there is something waiting for us ahead.
For once, I want to believe that distance and silence are the key of everything.
For once, I want to believe that your laughter beautifies my day.
For once, I want to believe that your smiles are only meant for me, to keep my heart alive.
For once, I want to believe that we are meant for each other.
For once, I want to believe that our paths lead to the same destiny.
For once, I want to believe that every effort you have put in our friendship is what you enjoy doing the most.
For once, I want to believe that you are the source of the solid strength within me.
For once, I want to believe that you are the miracle that God has sent to me.
For once, I want to believe that you are the person I treasure the most.
For once, I want to believe that knowing you revive my sleeping devotion.
For once, I want to believe that you are my best friend whose spirit never dies.
For once, I want to believe that our friendship goes strong until the end.
For once, I want to believe that you are the one who will give me your hand that I may grasp it and keep my feet from stumbling.
For once, I want to believe that you are the most valuable thing ever happened to me.
For once, I want to believe that The Almighty God hears my voice, my prayers when I asked Him to send me a friend who will help and guide me through out this life; and it is you.
For once, I want to believe that this farewell is the beginning of everything.
For once, I want to believe that no matter how hard and tough my life would be without you, I will always sense your presence beside.
For once, I want to believe that we will meet again, after a lapse of years.
For once, I want to believe that you are the one.
For once, I want to believe everything.

But I can’t. It’s just UNBELIEVEABLE.
It is now the time for you to go.
And the time for me to find my bearings.
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, may God holds you in the hollow of His hand.
You will always be a part of me.
Thank you for everything.

Love you always,
Dina :)


Anonymous said...

sapa ni dina? tak bgtau aku pon,ko pegi rumah ijat tak next wk?btw, best poem ni..ori kaa?

Anonymous said...

kofkof..ehermm..lame lagi la dia nak flyy dina..huehue

newayz,aku dah send kat alia..nanti dia tanya member dia tu..nice poem by the way

deynarashid said...

ed- ade laaa. rahsie hehe ;p tak pegi la ed. ade hal. thanx. of kos la ori!!! hehe

sya- sesungguhnye masa berlalu hanya sekelip mate saje ;p thanx. i'll follow up on it