Sunday, June 01, 2008

Autoimmune disorder

Hati ini terluka tanpa dilukai. Hati ini menangis tanpa dipinta.
Rilex ok. Bukan nak berjiwang. Isnin ni ade exam ok? Haha.. So apa kaitannye?

In medicine, we have this one type of disorder whereby your own antibodies produced in your body which are primarily used to fight againts FOREIGN particles are doing something else. In this case, your own antibodies are fighting against your OWN cells, hence the name; AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER.

Siapa tak faham boleh tanya personally. Haha..
photo taken by mohdfarif.
Aku tak tahula nak cakap macam mana tapi aku sangat suka gambar sunset ni. Sangat suka!! Sangat cantik! SubhanAllah.. Korang boleh la tengok gambar2 encik ni. Memang sangat cantik. Islamic pulak tu. Huhu.. Bagus2. Ade jugak photographer yang bukan macam encik N. Hah hah..

With that, I dedicate this special photo to my friends [Leicesterians la especially huhu] and all friends in other parts of the globe. Good luck in our exams! I hope that we would do well and could make through so that boleh balik Malaysia. Hehe.. But whatever it is, always remember that whatever results that we end up with, that is definitely the best for us regardless what letter that would come out next to our candidate number. Ok :)

And also to A in Adelaide. Please don't stop snapping. Please do come back to photography. Please get back to your camera. Please don't waste your flickr pro account. Hehe.. It's ok. I understand that you're taking a break but please do come back ok?

And last but not least, to my very special friend, H. Congratulations. I don't have anything else to say. After ALL these years, this time is for real. And I pray to Him that you and everyone around you will always be blessed now and forever. Again, to H and Y, congratulations on your wedding day :) 010608; I'll try not to keep that in mind ;)

Ok, cik mai akan marah kalau saya tak fokus. Jadi, mari kita fokus dan bukan berangan ok? :P

Wish me luck, people! And for those who have wished, thank you very much. May Allah bless you too! Take care :)
Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows


Anonymous said...

mak na, gmbr sunset tu sgt chantekkk~heh sambil berangan bile la sendirik nak mampu amik gmbr cantik tanpa nikong berat yg mampu mematahkan leher kt:P oh oh, glad that u can now focus with ur studies..good luck of barakah in ur exam:)

p/s:i quite like the idea of osce korg;)haha..borak dgn bad last nite n die cte psl osce...ooohh sgt cool:D

deynarashid said...

sarah- walau seberat mana nikong itu, ia tetap tidak akan mematahkan leher. kerana bila digantung, ianya dekat di hati :) bila nikong dekat di hati, sakit di leher tidak pernah terasa.

ok. abaikan part atas tu. kite merepek mcm zombie dah ni. essookk exaamm!!! bleerrgghhh~

p/s: ooooohhh noooo.. osce is soooo not cooolll!!! SOO NOT COOL!! haha.. thanx for the wish sarah :) best of barakah in ur exam as well :)