Monday, June 30, 2008

Lots of love -- dina :)

“We had just arrived in London yesterday. Al0ng im@ is packing her stuff. She’s moving to her new house in Southgate. So it’s going to be our second night at P0k Teh’s house!”

”Kenapa dengan dina ni? Macam bad mood je?” ada ke patut dia tanya soalan tu??!! Mane aku tak bad mood?! Dia tipu aku!!! Aku benci F@khrul!!!”

“Pagi tadi ada program intim. Aku ingatkan tanak pergi tp pergi je la. Pastu kat sekolah aku pening kepala. Aku terus call dad suruh ambik aku. Sampai-sampai rumah je terus baring. Al0ng im@ check aku and bagi makan ubat. Now I’m feeling much better. Anyway, haritu ada spotcheck kat sekolah and guess what? Discman aku kena rampas!! Sedih gile! The next day aku pergi jumpa cikgu Zainab. Dia kata boleh ambik akhir tahun nanti. Sedih gile tau tak!! Tapi nak buat mcm mana. Lepastu, haritu jugak ustad z@in@phi panggil aku. Dia kata ustad Arm@n nak jumpa aku. Ingatkan apa la aku dah buat. Rupanya aku masuk pertandingan bercerita untuk ihtifal Bahasa Arab. Percaya tak? Tak pernah terlintas dalam kepala aku nak masuk pertandingan bercerita dalam bahasa arab. Ni mesti ada someone yang bagi nama aku. Siut gila. Tapi takpela, kesian tengok muka ustad macam mengharap je. Aku kata ok. So, we’ll wait and see. Anyway, abang din kata dia nak datang KL next week, ada gathering dengan budak-budak e-kuizians. Aku tak boleh datang, ada hal. Dia kata nanti dia paskan hadiah aku kat Emud. Dia kata dia nak pergi PD dengan member-member. Lepastu maybe balik Singapore terus. Sedihnya tak dapat jumpa dia.”

“actually sekarang ni tengah minggu aktiviti. Aku balik bilik pukul 1230 tadi. Kejap lagi pukul 2.30 nak keluar balik. Ada indoor games kot. Aku masuk game konda-kondi. Tak tahulah game tu macam mana. Main pun tak pernah. Haha.. bantai je la. Anyway, abang amir dah grad dah, Alhamdulillah. Dia ada kat Malaysia sekarang. Tengah tunggu reply from dia punya sponsor utk sambung masters pulak. Lupi pulak kat k0lej m@ra b@nting. Haritu aku pergi dengan abang amir ambik Pi balik. Agak terpencil la sekolah tu. Dalam ladang kelapa sawit pulak tu. Tapi sebab untuk masa depan, so takpelah. Anyway, one good news. Al0ng im@ pregnant! Dah 7 weeks kot! Ya Allah, aku happy sangat!! Tak sabar nak dapat anak sedara! Harap-harap al0ng im@ and Abang N0rman dapat anak yang baik dan sayang aku, insyaAllah. Hehe.. Anyway, lagi beberapa minggu birthday H@fiz. Lama dah tak dengar berita dia. Rindu rasanya. Aku harap dia ok je.”

“Sejak 2-3 hari ni aku rasa down gila. Rasa sedih sangat-sangat. Haritu anid call. Dia kata H@fiz ada call rumah nak cakap dengan dia. Lama jugak diorang borak, nak dekat sejam jugak. Aku agak terkejut jugak la H@fiz call. Aku tahu dia ada banyak cerita kat anid tp anid macam tanak cerita kat aku je. Aku tahu anid marah sebab dia malas nak get involved in this issue tapi benda dah nak berlaku, nak buat macam mana. Lepastu malam tadi H@fiz call aku. Aku takde mood nak layan dia. Aku cakap kat dia aku betul-betul distracted. Aku taknak dia kacau concentration aku for my trial. So dia kata lepas aku habis trial nanti dia call balik and he wants to have a slow talk with me and solve all these problems between us. Ntahla. Aku rasa macam nak clash je.”

That’s all I could give..

“I think I’ve fallen in love with the beach laa. Serious.. I could just sit there, doing nothing, listen to the sound of the waves, counting the waves, the birds, taking pictures like a crazy person and just relax!! I mean, I can’t get that anywhere else!! It’s like, having a tryst with my own and only world! Eceyh poyo laa pulak. Dulu, somebody asked me, which place I’d prefer to stay; at the side of the beach or at the top of a hill. I used to like both places. But since God-knows-when, I feel so belonged to the beach, makes me feel so calm and comfortable. Ni yang tak boleh apply univ kat tepi laut ni, confirm tak belaja, buat course photography plak nanti. Haha.. So yea, I took some pictures..” - When the nature sings..

“Soooo.. ermm, what I’ve been up to recently?? Well, met up some bangi friends. Went out for a movie with lupi and those two kiddos at Cineleisure few days back. We watched Surf’s Up. And hey, it’s a nice cartoon, really enjoyed it. It’s better than Happy Feet I would say. No, we didn’t manage to get tickets for transformers and as for that, we’re planning to watch it with Abg Amir Along Ima n Angah Aya later but I’m not sure when they’re free or better still, when I’m free. Bajet, jgn x bajet. Haha.. Ermm.. went for shopping, bought myself a DigiCam magazine costs almost 40bucks. Now, that’s the most expensive photography magazine I’ve ever bought. But it’s worthwhile with all the tips and free cd of photoshop tutorial so I’m not regret hanging the expense. And ermm, Qi1@h and her friend im@n dropped by my house this afternoon. We chatted for a while, and then they left.” – Time keeps ticking.

“Now, here comes the most awaited part. Hehe..

Let me see. 2000 was like 8 years ago. Can you believe it? I still have my diaries kept from 2000 till 2005, just before I started to involve in blogging. And I have been blogging for almost 4 years now. What a miracle. Haha..

Let’s go one by one.

Firstly, in 2000, yep, that was my first time in the UK. Masa tu kitorg pergi sana for Angah @ya punya graduation kat Nottingham.

Lepastu in 2001, about Fakhrul, I honestly can remember not a single thing about him. Haha.. Kelakar. Ntah siapa ntah pakcik tu. Aku harap dia hidup lagi. Dan kalau hidup, semoga dia menjadi insan yang berguna. Huhu..

Lepastu, in 2003. pasal discman kena rampas. Haha.. aku ingat lagi time ni. Dalam discman tu ada CD Backstreet Boys. Astaghfirullah.. apa ni budak maahad buat perangai buruk mcm tu. Kuikui.. And then, pertandingan bercerita untuk ihtifal Bahasa Arab??? OH MY GOD. Aku gelak besar for this one. Haha.. nak suruh aku berbahasa arab sekarang mmg boleh dikatakan antara tindakan yang paling tidak bijak dalam dunia. Hehe.. Abang Din pulak. Well, the last time I heard about him which was like 3 years ago, dia dah ada baby boy yg sangat comel! Sekarang dah tak dengar apa2 langsung dah.

Lepastu, in 2004, minggu aktiviti kat MR$M L@ngkawi. Main konda-kondi? Part ni memang aku tak ingat langsung. Huhu.. Pasal H@fiz. Oh well.. there’s nothing left to be talked about.

Pasal article in 2005, tu aku tulis untuk izy@n. Apa cerita la makcik tu kat monash. Haish.. rindunye diee :( harini dah la birthday die. Huhu.. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY IZYANTOBOBO!!

In 2006, ni detik-detik aku mula bergiat dalam photography. Aku ingat lagi betapa aku pulun nak buat ‘lightbox’ tu. Tu ijun pak k0jer la ajar. Sekarang tak guna pun. Haha.. [p/s: want to know how the 'lightbox' works? Click on the photo below :)]

In 2007, takde ape sangat dah.

Now, it’s 2008. My intention for this entry is to make it the last one for this little bloggy. Now you know some of my secrets that I have been keeping all this while. Well, some of you might have known but a big bunch of my secret readers might not. That’s fine. Sebenarnya banyak je lagi rahsia-rahsia yang aku tak cerita. I think I’ll just keep them to myself.

And now, I think it’s the time for me to let this bloggy go. I won’t delete it. It may remain on the net for.. I don’t know, future references perhaps. Or untuk sesi taaruf ke. Hahahahahahahahaha.. Ok tak2. that’s a bad joke. Hehe.. Or probably because I love it as much as I love my other diaries that I’ve been keeping for years. It has been a precious thing to me, I admit, and will always be. But I think cukup lah setakat ni kot. I won’t delete it and neither am I going to keep it active. When I click the ‘Publish Post’ button, everything from then backwards will be a HISTORY. But from then onwards, it will be an uncertain FUTURE.

I don’t want to be so emotional and sentimental over this entry [although I really am!] but I just want to thank all of you especially the ones who have been following my crappy stories from years ago. I really appreciate it. I really had great times being a storyteller, being a writer and being a blogger. To all my friends, don’t worry. I’m not dead yet [as of now! Hehe..] so if you wish to contact me, by all means, please do. You know how / where to reach me. If you don’t.. then you’re not my friend. Hehe..

So, good luck people!
photo taken by deyna rashid.


Anonymous said...

oh emm gee.. just when i'm starting to get addicted to what u're writing. yeah i'm new. and it's sad to see this happen. i really wish you could continue.. but hey all good things must come to an end, right? and who am i to change your mind. whatever happened 'behind the scene' that i dont know that made u stopped writing... but.. i dunno how to say this... i enjoy reading your stories. so what if i dont personally know the names u mentioned. i enjoyed reading them. you're a good writer. and i wish u success in whatever you're up to. goodluck, sis! may Allah bless you.

rest in peace, dear blog. ;p

deynarashid said...

oh emm gee.. seriously??? well, I AM REALLY FLATTERED! i'm sorry though. i think i have had enough. 4 years of blogging is longer than what i had expected back then. i did enjoy myself. my crappy stories can tell. hehe.. but i think i have to stop now (or never! :P) anyway, thanx for being a very supportive reader. too bad u turn up too late *sigh* it's ok. may u enjoy what i have left. huhu.. thanx again. i really really appreciate your support :) good luck to u too. and may He bless u too :)

take care

Ai said...

the heck?!

what does this mean?!

deynarashid said...

huh? apa ni ai.. benda senang je nak paham. huhu.. chill out~ B-)

Anonymous said...


saje blog hopping sbb skrg bosan giler tunggu nk balik mesia next week. buang masa sebulan jer duk sini, tak buat ape2.. hehe.

anyway, im about a month late. pelik. slalunya blog ni updated almost every week..

deynarashid said...

thanx for dropping by, abe. apsal ko x balik mesia sebulan lepas? should be travelling then. tp da nak balik next week pulak. huhu.. i'm in uk now, resitting my exam. blerrgh.. tp next week nak balik msia gak :) how long is ur summer break? so enjoy ur holiday la naa.

oh.. i decided to stop blogging. kenape ntah. haha.. tp dah nak dekat sebulan stop, rasa mcm addicted nak tulis pun ade. tp ntah, enough for now kot. huhu..

katunX said...

apa berhenti?

*garu kepala*