Sunday, March 16, 2008

Of being scientific.

photo taken by mechmed tawfeeqovski.
“Sometimes it’s better to not know than knowing something we don’t wish to know.” I told my friend just now.

But I remember what I told S the other day, “I hate uncertainties. I need to know the cinch. Let it be the dogma.”

So which one is better; knowing something that we’ve been waiting for so long or not knowing something that we don’t wish to discern?

“Why don’t you use your theory of knowledge?” asked S.

Bernoulli’s Principle?

The Ernst Equation?

Quantum Mechanics?

Theory of Relativity?

Which one? Which one, S?

Thanx for not being so helpful.

Wouldn't it be nice if science could explain everything plainly explicitly? Yes, it would be nice. But unfortunately life is not all about science, isn't it? So, not everything could be explained with science. Life is not that easy.

p/s: Happy holiday, my friends. Sedihnye tak dpt ikut korg pegi Prague :( I'm going to be all alone. Alone.

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