Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Ok, I think some alterations to this forlorn blog might be necessary. At least, in a way, it could change my mood a bit. Black is cool isnt it? I think so. I thought of using this template in the first place but dunno why the blue one attracted me more than the black one. But yes, the black one finally got my pick. To boot, this particular template reminds me of somebody but lets not get to the introduction of the person.

Anyway, I've got a splitting headache since 3 or 4 days ago. I dont know what is wrong but I keep feeling like banging my head on the wall!! I've told Along Ima bout this and all she said was "Ko x cukup tido kot" whereas I've been sleeping like a whole day!!

Ok, so maybe it's because of an excessive sleep. But I didnt sleep that much tho. Most of the day, averagely I sleep at 1 am and wake up at 645 for Subuh prayer and stay awake until 2 or 3 pm and after that I take a couples of hour or so for a nap. Is that much? I think it's a fixed routine. Or perhaps there's a growth or something in my brain? Or am I suffering from migraine without my knowledge? Hahaha.. banyak lak songeh. I have no idea. Only God knows.

Anyway, I was quite surprised when I received a friend request in Friendster from Sephia, Aimran's former classmate. She's pretty and charming I have to say but her attempt of adding me in was actually quite stupefied me. But not that serious tho. She's cool and sounds serene so, befriended her would be a pleasure.

And talking about Aimran, he has just gone back to France last saturday and most probably will be back to Malaysia in July for his brother's wedding. He keeps telling me about his birthday present that he'll claim this march but heck, it's the latest 3series BMW!!! I repeat, the latest 3series BMW! That is soo not fair. I mean, he's just one year older than me and he's possessing a nearly-1million car!! Rezeki dia, biar laa... Lucky Intan.. Eheh..

Arggh..my headache is sickening!! I better need go to sleep. I'll write more soon. Adios!~


Anonymous said...

huhu... sickening most to see white writings on black.... but 4 all da most!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tukar deyna....sakit mater akoo...... ahax... ske ati kolerrr.... asalkan ko bahagia.. tp akoo kener view original post baru leh bace... wakakka....chowww

deynarashid said...

hahah..kewl gile!!mmg niat sampingan nak bior mate ko sakit..hehe..cam ni laa,kalo ko nak bc blog aku ko pakai spec mate hitam..bergaye sket..hehe