Monday, February 07, 2005


Hahah..A perfect tittle I think..hehe.. Malam smalam, tpt kol 12 je aku call kawan aku ni.. Ingatkan nak nyamar org lain pakai fon adik aku tp akhirnye, rahsia terbongkar jua.. Hahaha.. Lagipon mum tibe2 je menjelma dlm bilik.. Terkantoi lak kol org kol 12 malam pakai fon anid.. Hahaha.. Aku tanye die kol bape, pastu die kate 'sket lagi kol 12..sket jee...haaaa, dah kol 12 dah' (mcm tau je aku nak wish die bday! Hampeh!) Pastu aku ckp ah tujuan sbnr aku call die 'x de..saje je nak wish happy birthday..eeeeee..ko dah tua dah!!!22 tahun! huhu..nasib baek aku baru 18' (aku x igt ah the exact dialog but plus minus ah) 'ish, ko org first wish aku ni!Hahah..' Sesungguhnye aku amat berbangge *wink*

Pastu lepas dah ckp bbrape minit (fon anid tu..sbb tu ckp kejap je..kalau fon aku lg kejap =p) aku pon dah ngantok nak tido (tapi anid nak ckp plak pasal arip laa zai laa..ish2..) tp aku buat2 tido gak! Pastu tibe2 aku teringat kat kawan aku tu.. teringat camne aku bleyh kenal die (beser ah..keje aku mmg brangan 24 jam! Dah x de keje lain..hahaha) Baru laa aku prasan yang aku dah kenal die dkt 4 thn dah!! And aku x penah jumpe die pon! (sah kenal kat internet!x lain x bukan kat irc..haha) Yep, I met her thru that bloody chatroom. But never thot that he'll be one of my good frens. Dulu aku igt die ni cam jahat. X tau apsal (no good reasons *LOL*) Pastu dulu aku penah gak bg die bday card. Skang dah malas sebab aku tau mesti die x simpannye..huhu.. (lelaki mmg x geti nak appreciate sket. Lupi adelah contoh terbaik.. Kad awek pon besepah2!ish..) pastu time kat lgkw aku x brape nak contact die sgt. 'Nanti aku kat lgkw kalau rajin aku call arr..x pon msg ke' (tunggu 10 taun pon x tentu aku call die..or msg die..hahah) pastu kire lost contact ah.. Cume ade laa miskol2 and msg2 tahpape.. Pastu ntah sejak bile lak tibe2 die rajin nak call aku (aku dah nak ambik spm baru nak ganggu idop aku!!hampes!) dan dgn prasaan yg sungguh rajin, aku pon bg laa die kad raye..

And then sejak aku duk umah ni die rajin gak ar call.. Aku mmg malas nak call org, rajin bg sms je.. (sms pon malas nak bg senornyer..Heh..Bukan SEPP <--khas utk emun. Tapi mmg malas..hehe) Tapi........ nak tunggu die reply msg aku, tunggu laa sampai 10taun pon die x reply!! save duit ke mmg sepp ke aku pon x tau.. hahaha.. Tapi die ni mmg baik ah.. Terase cam jahat sebab misjudge die dulu.. Heheh.. Die je slalu ingat nak call and miskol aku, aku susah sket nak call or miskol die.. Hehe.. Tapi aku mmg comfortable gile kalau borak ngan die sebab die faham betape aku nak gelak atau dgr lawak bodo die but no, he doesnt have to tell me a joke, his voice and the way he talks is enuf. It's funny!! Hehehe.. *I got confused suddenly.Wut's the point of posting this entry??Errr..Help me get a space plz!*

Owh, right!! It's a birthday present for him. Hehehe.. He's being such a good friend to me so, I juz wanna let the whole world know that he is a nice person and a good friend as well. And I need his comment on this!!!! (aku dah tulis dlm bm ni!sile komen ye..mane2 x puas hati bleh bg tau aku and i'll edit it later.. hehehe) Thanx wan for being such a great and faithful friend. I'm glad to noe ya mate!~ Preng poreber mista loca!! Hahah.. And Happy 22nd Birthday. May you get what you want...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hepi besday wan!! -sya, kawan dina =)-