Sunday, February 13, 2005

Just A Thought

"Aku tgh lepak ngan mmbr2 aku. Jap lagi nak pegi bemain muzik and then pegi main basketball. Heheh.. Life is great!" -Afar

"Mum dgr so-and-so dah jadik chairman (or something like that) Proton in Norwich. Amir cakap elaun die je pon dah 600pounds (or perhaps 6000pounds?? T_T )." -Mum

"Dina, ko rase Dad nak bace tak buku ni, 'Being Employed and Millionaire'. Aku letak je la atas meja Dad. Tapi Dad mesti tanak bacanye." -Anid

"Hahaha..Listen, I got this benda bodoh from the net; 'One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them...Oh my God, what have I just said?' Ko rase tennis commentator tu dapat extra payment from Andy tak?Bodoh gile!" -Sya

"Dr. so-and-so punye medical assistant sume handsome2. Kat hospital Putrajaya tu pon medical assistant boleh tahan gak. Nasib baik laa handsome, nak marah pon x jadik." -Along Ima

"Khazanah Nasional Bhd. called me up the other day. Diorg ade share dengan Petronas and MAS. They asked me if I want to be the replacement for so-and-so after his retirement of being CEO of Petronas." -Aimran

"Nazme dah besar dah. Kejap je rase. Nanti mesti miss mase die kecik2 kan?" -Dad

"So-and-so tu tinggi lebih kurang Dad. Muka dia cam Chelsea dalam cite Raven. Dia tau main gitar. Dia dapat pegi Queen Mary. Dia itu..dia ini.." -Lupi (There are always compliments for people that we admire or have a crush on. Is it fair?)

"Saya sudah semakin besar dan macho. Gigi saya macam Spongebob. Saya juga semakin mengada2. Dah nak pandai jalan dah!! Tak lame lagi boleh melarikan diri dari Mak Na (T_T) Nanti dah tak payah nak kepung kat depan tv. Hahahaha..Saya berbangga dengan diri saya." -Nazme (Hahahaha..ok, I made it up =b)


Anonymous said...

elaun je pon dah 600pounds!!gile babi ah..konon proton x de projek laa sebab x cukup budget.ape tu wei??teruk btul..again,my name is in there..hahah..there's other interesting stuv yg ko bleh letak..yg ko nak letak tu jugak pesal..isk..hmm..i wonder if aimran accept the offer..bestnye ko kawan ngan org kaye!!hahahaha..

deynarashid said...

haha..thats how the life goes..oh, perhaps i forgot to mention there that aimran once told me that politicians play quite a great position in that kinda stuff,so,x heran ah duit berjuta2 masuk..tu laa benda yg plg aku benci about malaysias politic..pentingkan duit,not the service they SUPPOSED to serve..proton kan patutnye ade projek dengan Lotus tp lotus reject project tu sbb one,proton x ckp bajet, two,diorg bodoh!hahahah three,diorg x pandai nak masuk international marketing..ok,lets not get into listing..

kawan dgn org kaye??tu pon kalo die igt kat aku.dah kaye mane ade mase dah utk bende2 crap..hahahah..

Anonymous said...

wah...wahh...wah...ibarat datin datin sedang berborak ketika menemani suaminya (yang semestinya datuk datuk!) menghadiri dinner or somethng like that!!...hahaha...just jokes kay!

deynarashid said...

hahaha..afar..satu hr nanti aku jadik datin..jgn risau..heheh..kalau jadik datuk pon ok gak pe..gaye dah ade dah..ahahaha..miss ya!