Sunday, February 20, 2005

Strange Crackers

I'm listening to Bedshaped by Keane now. And thanx to the song for putting me in a gay mode. And I'm really really in a good mood. Oh no, somebody must have put me in drugs because I'm really intoxicated!! Owh yeah! I can feel the rising of happiness inside! *dances and frolics with joy* Yet, I'm missing someone. Wish he could be juz beside me now and the whole dull day of his would definitely turn into a good one =)

Well, something technically wrong happened in blogger "We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve it." Yea, thanx a lot Mr.Blogger! I feel like using Xanga right this second. This aggro really bored stiff! But thanx to David Bowman for inventing this blacky template (It does alleviate my not-very-good mood though). I have to say that I'm a total failure at hosting so better grab this one than none *grins*

Drove off to Banting on Friday evening with Dad to fetch Lupi and some of his friends."Dina, nanti drive to Banting ambik abg Pi.Ade kawan dia nak tumpang sekali" mum asked me before I pulled off to Fasa 4. "Owh, no problem!!!Who are the friends? Please say it's Sxxxxx or Axxxxx!!" (Urggh, cut it off, Dina!) Duh! I didnt say that out loud, or Mum will definitely kill me! Just a whisper wafted through at the back of my head *winks*

When my family were back there in UK (I was in Langkawi), I ought to spend most of my holidays with Lupi and his friends. Mind you, that was not a good thing because most of them have no sense of humor at all!! Just imagine how offensive they were when I said something 'humiliating' (I cant really recall BUT IT WAS NOT FUNNY!) and they were pissing themselves laughing!! And with that hoity-toity faces, I felt really left out. But somehow, 'A' really strucked my mind. He once asked me "Dina, kau suke lelaki yg kelakar ke yang jiwang?"..."I like sumone exactly like you!!" And I'll kill myself if I really poured them out (Or did I??) Hahahah..

One day, on a very wonderful morning, while having a breakfast at my house;
A: Nice 'nasi goreng' we have here. Sedap laa auntie buat (Me: Oh my God!!! He better take the words back! Somebody please get me out of here!!)
Mum: Eh, tak laa. Tu Dina yang buat (Me: Ok, I'm gonna get a gun and shoot myself down!)
A: Owh, ye ke *with a blushing face* (I tried so hard to shun myself from hearing what he's going to say next by scrumbles up the stairs. And I couldnt help myself but laughing out loud. Hahahaha!!!! That was not a happy thing but embarrassing instead. Kesian.. Heheh)

Other people might think that was a real sheepish moment one could ever have been in but you know what, the guy is really 'sporting' and 'selamba' so I dont think he considered that as embarrassing. Perhaps he felt a tinge of shameful but hey, that wasnt so bad though. Owh, I should have thanked him for praising my good cook *prouds*

And talking about Mr.S, I couldnt find any interesting scene to share. But I have to say that he really fascinated me with his cute smile *beams*. Ok, you got the permision to say "Eee, gediknye budak ni". Go ahead, and you will find you're hiting back yourself! Wham! Hahahah.. It's just how the life goes. People always get attracted with beautiful things so I couldnt get the blame could I? Hehe.. And the way he layan kerenah of that little boy Nazme, I have to say that he's gonna be a good father one day =) Owh, and he got a younger brother in Langkawi (again, I feel like walloping myself for wasting my chance to get to know that so-not-famous kiddo who is a brother of a cute guy! Heheh..Ok, cut it off!)

But nooooooooooooo..Neither Mr.A nor Mr.S came for a lift. Pitty me. Damn! Then what's the point of showing off my driving skill to somebody I dont even care to look at??! Hahahah.. Ok, that was tacky. Sorry ye En. Farhan *grins with sparkling eyes*

Ok, regarding all of the above, I certainly ain't trying to flaunt or whatever - nothing could have been further from my thoughts. 'A' already has a girlfriend and 'S' is not doing medicine <--is that acceptable?? *smirks* I wont take it seriously, it's just for fun. So, stop heaping criticism on people, ok!

.........I feel like sleeping now (and the image of 'the person' keeps lingering around my head. I am really not pleased to dream of him because I hate to end my beautiful dreams in the morning.) Whatever.. After all, I'm at the end of my tether. zZzzZz..


Anonymous said...

"Mr.S is not doing medicine"..hell to medicine!!!hahah..that is not acceptable..kalau die dah ade awek ko kebas die gak!!!kalo ko dah ade pakwe ko clash ngan pakwe ko or ko practise for poligami!!haha..kalo ko dah kawen,errr..ok,stop must go on man!

btw,aku rase sumthing wrong arr ngan deria rase asyraf..tak pun die mmg saje nak amik ati mak kalau niat nak puji nasik goreng hangus ko tu,aku rase die gile..hahah!

deynarashid said...

eh eh..yg ko lak lelebih ni pehal..haha..ske2 atie je

lantak ah die gile ke ape, die dah telepas ckp, nak buat camne? bangge je ah..hahah