Wednesday, February 23, 2005

There Is A Need

It has been a very long time since I stepped out my examination Hall and I've been falling into a deep trance ever since. Otak pun dah berkarat. Anid asked me something about science the other day.

Anid: Dina, what are the functions of the heart?
Me: Heart is hati kan?Wait..or is it jantung?
Anid: No, it's paru-paru! *gives me an odd stare*
Me: Ok, dont fool me plz.I'm confused!
Anid: Err..ok, I should ask Dad then.

Hahahah..And now, waiting for the result is totally loathsome and I hate that feeling. It keeps preying on my mind and Mum always said "Doa je la. As long as you've tried your best, tawakkal je laa." And rumours about the announcement are going around and that makes me fear the worst.

Everytime I think about this, I always wonder, what am I actually going for in life. I have my own goals and I have something to pursue but then, does school prepare people like me for the real world? I mean, I want to be a doctor therefore I took biology instead of RC or LK or PA but WHY and WHY and WHY do I need something that has nothing to do with medicine like Physics and EST and Chemistry and History and the list goes on. Why dont I just focuse on Biology and dont have to whirl my mind with something that I dont like? Ok, I do like Physics and Chemistry because the teachers are great but cant I just have them for fun? And why do I have to take all the ten subjects for my spm? Ok, I really dont get it.

I've been in Langkawi for two years and I ought to say that I was having a reaaaaaaaaally superb and splendid time there. The teachers are fantastic, the students are bombastic and gempak gile and I struggled to be amongst them. I had to 'pulun' everytime there was a kuiz or selaras or semester exams and so on. And I did pulun not to only get good grades but also to maintain my CGPA and mind you, it was not a simple thing to do. Just like I said, why do I have to spend more time on Add Maths and other subjects rather than Biology? Because I need to make sure that I get straight A's for my exam so that MARA would happily give me a scholarship? And why is that?

Does a doctor need to do what Physicists do? Does a Lawyer need to operate people? Does a cook need to build a dwelling? Get what I mean?

These things dont bother me when I was a kid but since I read the Rich Dad Poor Dad books, I keep pondering over my future life and try to comprehend what is actually happening around me. What Robert said in his books is absolutely true;

'One day, my children came home disillusioned with school. He was bored and tired of studying. "Why should I put time into studying subjects I will never use in real life?" and I responded "Because if you dont get good grades then you wont get into college". "Regardless of whether I go to college. I'm going to be rich". "If you dont graduate from college, you dont get a good job and how do you plan to get rich?"

"Mom," he began. It was my turn to be lectured. "Get with the times! Look around; the richest people didnt get rich because of their educations. Look at Michael Jordan and Madonna. Even Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard, founded Microsoft; he is now the richest man in America and he is still in his 30s. . . . . . .I need new answers." He was right'

That was brief but the message is clear. Once I read the book, I thought of stop studying and I wanted to build up a business and be rich as soon as possible. But it is RIDICULOUS and doesnt make any sense! And I almost forgot that all I've been going for since I was a kid is to be a doctor. And I kept asking to myself "Bill Gates flunked but he still can be the richest man in America. Why cant I excell in studies and use my knowledge to be one of the richest people?"

I dont know. It has been there inside my mind since years ago. And all I can do is just try my best in any way possible. There's an adage taken from the book "If you think it's risky, then it will be". So, the best thing I could ever do is trust in myself and believe that I will be somebody in the future. And I prayed to God and always hope that I will get the best for myself.

'Be the trend setter. Not the trend follower' -Aimran

'I have faith in you. I know you will always be the best. Aku tak kisah pun Taiping kalah dengan Langkawi. Hahaha..' -Afar

'Just trust and believe in yourself whatever it would take. If you dont believe in yourself, why should anyone else?' -Me


Speed Junkie said...

It's always nice to have questions in our heads...not stupid questions (like 'adakah tahi hidung yang dikumpul selama sebulan boleh dibentuk menjadi sebiji bola?') but valid real life questions like the one you asked, i.e. 'does school prepare people like you for the real world?'. Not only do these questions show that you actually think and care for your future, but it is also helps to open up your mind and promote critical thinking within yourself.

As for your question, the answer is yes and no, well that is what I believe anyway. No, the contents of the subjects that are being taught in schools DO NOT prepare you for anything in the real world. You say that Biology is an important subject to become a doctor, but then again, what has medicine got to do with knowing the respiratory system of cockroaches? I admit that there are some subtopics directly linked with medicine ('sistem pembiakan manusia' being one of them) but that is only about 10% or even less of the whole contents of the Biology subject.

Then again, I'm not taking medicine, so probably I'm wrong there. So I'll give another example. The perception was that to become an engineer you need to take maths (or add maths for that matter). But differentiation and integration (pembezaan dan pengkamiran)?!?!?! What the hell are those for? (Mind my language, you're a big enough girl to handle that right?) There are loads of devices and softwares for me to solve problems involving those two things, without me knowing how to do it manually. So why did I learn it in the first place?

And that is the catch...the contents of subjects learnt in school have NOTHING to do with the profession you end up with. What's important is HOW you deal with and solve those questions, be it Biology, Maths, English, Malay, even History. For example, for Biology and History, you need to read a lot and probably memorise things. For Physics and Maths, you need a lot of practice. For English and Malay, you need to be creative and comprehend texts or what have you. And those are the lessons that you need to know to prepare for the future. Being able to read a lot and absorb information, being able to comprehend and identify which information is less or more important, being creative and innovative, as well as the knowledge that practice makes perfect... are all important skills that you have to have in preparing for the future.

Not only that, but other skills are important too. PR skills (how to deal with friends and teachers) being independant and confident and also being organised both time and financial wise(especially in boarding schools) are very important. I guess it would not be wrong to say that these are the most important skills in life, and these skills are the ones that you need to strive for.

About 'Rich Dad and Poor Dad', if you think about it, the main message behind the whole book is to say that there are more than one ways to become successful. In that book, success was seen as wealth. And studying hard and going to college are not the only ways to become rich.

The thing is, success is a subjective matter, and there is no single way to define it. You have to set a goal in your life, and when you have achieved it, that means you are successful. If you wanna be a top surgeon in Malaysia, then when you become one, you are successful. Even if someone's goal is to be a housewife, who cares for the family and raise well-mannered kids 'yang beriman dan beramal soleh', when that person has achieved it, that means she is successful. Get what I'm saying?

Going back to 'Rich Dad and Poor Dad', you have to try and approach the book with an open mind and realise that wealth is not the only measure of success. Ofcourse, everyone wants to become rich, but there are more important things than that, that we muslims must realise. Life is all about 'rezeki' and barakah. What's the use of achieving multi millionaire status if your life isn't filled with barakah from Allah? And this point was never mentioned in 'Rich Dad and Poor Dad'. I'm not saying it is a bad book, it is a VERY good book, but you have to keep an open mind on it, in fact you have to keep an open mind on everything, think of the facts and information that would help or deter you in becoming better person, and choose wisely.

My main advice to you is first set a goal in your life of what and how you imagine your life to be, probably 40 or 50 years from now, try your best to achieve it with do'a and tawakkal and most importantly with 'niat di dalam hati' that you're doing it 'kerana Allah Ta'ala', and Insha'Allah, at the end of the day, you would be successful.

For the time being, just fill your free time with things that would improve yourself (writing this blog is a good way to improve yourself, as it helps you to express yourself), help out Mum and Dad at home 'dengan ikhlas hati' to gain Barakah from Allah, and just make do'a and tawakkal that you would get great SPM results. Like I always said, I've never been worried about you, I'm sure everything will turn out great, and you'll definitely make Mum and Dad proud.

Your Bro

deynarashid said...

thanx abg amir..i really appreciate that..btul laa ape abg amir ckp tu..ntah arr..takut laa nak kluar result ni..ape2 je bleh jadik..bukan x confident tp cam x bleh nak expect pape..doakan dina ek..

btw,tahi hidung yg dikumpul seminggu dah cukup utk dibuat bola..hahahaha..anid ajar gune pekataan 'taik idong' sampai dad pun gune!!disgusting gile kan?heheh..nway,mis ya!thanx a lot!!

Anonymous said...

haha...soalan camnih pun ko pikir ek...herm..bagus gak la...tapi for me, ape yang kita belajar kat school is the basic equipment to survive inside the whole new world right now.mungkin sekarang tak nampak kot apa guna kita belajar sumer tuh (aku benci biologi gila2 ar..!!) tapi itulah,tuh sumer adalah bende asas yang perlu kita tahu utk survive dalam dunia yang serba serbinya batu sekarang ini...we lived in the rock era again!!!..hahha..aku setuju ngan m.Zamir tulis, pasal skill..tuh sumer penting tuh..aku pun nyesal tak menguasai sumer skill tuh maser aku sekolah dulu..(tu la fellow..rati main je!!)..more skill you conquer more closer for you to conquer your succes!hahaha...remember..little man will be erased from this world!..Got it!

deynarashid said...

hehehe..aku dah boring sgt duk umah smpai bende ni pon aku pk..hehe..aku tau sume bende tu penting tp cam x puas hati aku kena buat keje add maths lebih dr subjek lain smpai x tido mlm sume!!!!heheh..dulu siap x puas ht ngan cikgu add maths sbb bg byk sgt keje aku gak ar org yg plg awal siap..cewah! btol la, kalau aku x blaja sume tu cam ne nak jadik hebat kan encik muz?hehehe..thanx a lot afar =)

Anonymous said...

woooo.pjg gile abg ko tulih.hehe..but aku rase,he said the right things.its not about being rich,its about accomplish ur goals and get what u've been pursuing.and i know you will always try your best and u DO get your best so,dont worry mate.i'm sure ure gonna get an excellent results.i have to admit,u've been doing better than me bcoz u stuffed yourself with something beneficial.i mean,like abg amir said,u think nice questions and build up critical thinking in yourself.and that's coooool.hehehe..bukan cam aku,ske merepek je..and yes,that was the first comment from afar ek?hahaha..susah benar nak nampak name die dalam column comment (aku tau ah name die lg byk drpd name aku dalam entries ko) ahahahah..good job mate!

deynarashid said...

hehe..thanx for ur comment sya.i really appreciate it.ntah ar..tu ah yg aku plg x suke sbb people keep giving high expactations on me tu yg aku stressed out.hehe..but tu laa,as long as ive tried my best,doa n tawakkal je laa kan.

oow yes.that was the first from afar.hehe..thanx again