Tuesday, February 08, 2005

People's Mind

I need smorgasbord of reasons why do certain people have guts to talk shit bout their good friends behind their back. Yes, people do that and be frank to yourself, who doesnt? Praise yourself if u dont. But on the matter of fact, I honestly do talk behind people's back but never to my good friends. I dont talk behind people's back for no reasons. At least it's a way to improve myself. Not to mortify people. They pretend that everything is working out perfectly and after they reach the truth, they simply stab their good friends in the back. If anyone who reads this get offended, I'd say go to hell! Get yourself the finger mate! And a kick in the ass too! This kind of people never deserve to live even a sec on this so-called world. Get a life!

Ah well, people might think I'm the worst blogger ever and believe it or not, I really dont give a damn. I try to use it as good as I can. Anyway, I took several minutes or so reading people's blog and what I found in each of them were heaps of matters but I really couldnt find any good about them except for one (I had written about Rom's xanga the other day). From thousands (never found that much tho *wink*) of blogs that I read, I would say 50% of them are interesting and profitable especially for people like me (new and crap blogger. I dont care) Another half of them are rubbish and gibberish. Well, who the hell I am to say such thing? Mine is even worse. Hahaha.. It's their own blog anyway so, juz leave it.

Anyway, I've been contemplating to own a blog like Rom's (I noe he uses xanga instead but it's juz the same anyway). Things that he wrote would simply crack you up! Seriously. He's absolutely hilarious I have to say and he's kinda good in writing too. None of the them are craps. He pours out his ideas and put them in words so that apart from express wut he feels bout sumthing, people could comment on any particular stuff and simply form a discussion about it. It's good to see people keep reading your posts and discuss about it. That's wut people call a 'feedback'. But alas, I dont have that tonnes of friends to comment anything and discuss bout anything (apart from sya. She's the only one who reads and GIVES comment on things that I wrote.Thanx mate.) He's an uni student in Manchester (which he got loads of fun stuff to share) meanwhile I'm just a nobody, doing nuthing at home. Yeah, I have to wait till I get to Uni and post interesting stuff then I'll find myself swamped with works and have no time for my blog. Hahaha.. After all, I can put up other interesting stuff (there are millions of another stuff laa dina!!) in here but still, I need sumthing more than that. But who cares.. I juz need some space to breathe...


Anonymous said...

ermm..were u talking about somebody i know?bcoz if u were, i think i know whos the guy you've been talking about.Or perhaps i dont even know him/her.anyway, talking behind people's back is actually 'mengumpat' (kan?) So, u're saying that 'mengumpat' is a way to improve urself?Well, juz enlighten me bout that talking-behind-people's-back thingy.Huhu..Wowwyy..my name is in ur blog AGAIN!!hah..oh wait, with an acknowledgement as well!!hahaha..wut a good friend i am eh?

i know rom's xanga is cool (waaaay cooler than urs..haha!)but u know wut, i dont think he owned a blog (or xanga wutever)by ur age..so, learn how to be grateful ye kawan..hehe..dunt worry, as long as i stay home doing nuthing, i'll give my comment as best as i can..heheh..lepas dapat result nanti kot2 laa aku bz, aku x tgk lg kot blog ko ni..hahaha!

p/s:aku komen pjg2 ni bukan sbb ko ckp pasal aku ye..ikhlas semate2

deynarashid said...

hah..no sya..i wasnt talking bout anybody.it juz popped up when i read this blog (he's a s-o-a-b!!<--dat's wut people call euphemism..haha) he juz wrote sumthing bad bout his friend but aku x leh arr nak buruk sangke ke ape.perhaps he contents himself with sumthing that i dont noe.hell to him anyway.

u want me to enlighten u bout that talking-behind-ppl's-back thingy??ape yg ko x paham pn aku x tau..hahaha..in other way, yes, it does mean mengumpat.but it juz forms a lot of meanings.depends on wut u think it is.bagi aku bende tu boleh bg lesson gak when ppl do sumthing bad, and u talk bout it, and dat's it!leave it there without any trial to do the same thing that one has done.ko paham x??kire cam 'muhasabah' diri ah..hahah..alaa, abaikan laa..i noe wut i'm writing about..

yea, thanx for d comment.now i am hyped up!haha..

Anonymous said...

oooo..but dont forget laa makcik, that's his own blog and he can write anything he wants.but again, yes, this is ur own blog too tp x yah laa nak ckp ko x puas hati ke pape ke..ermmm..yea rite,it's ur blog..so, wutever!!haha

muhasabah??wakakakaka..ermm..ok,that makes me more confuse bcz muhasabah and mengumpat is a different thing kan??one is good and the other is not.but how can they're formed by the same thing?boy,how weak and stupid i am in this kinda thing.phew..so,enlighten me!haha..

deynarashid said...

syaaaaaaa!!ko ni teruk laa..well u noe wut?it's up to you ko nak paham yg mane pon..aku malas laa nak ckp bende yg aku paham tp org lain x paham..if u want a better explaination, go and ask ur ustad laa..ish....................it's not a big deal man!!!~u make it difficult..arggh..

Anonymous said...

ustad aku kate muhasabah tu baik tp mengumpat tu dosa..heheh..alaaa,aku saje ah..aku paham ah..