Friday, February 11, 2005

True or Fake

Since I've posted sumthing about 'boyfriend' the other day, a friend of mine asked me "Dina, ko tanak ke 'carik' bf or sumthing. Dulu ko ckp kat hafiz ure too young to think about it. But now ure 18 and ure starting to get urself into the real world." She stopped for a respond. 1..2..3..4..5 minutes we were in a silent mode. I didnt say a word until she finally said "Helloo..say sumthing!"

You know why I didnt answer that silly question? Bcoz I'm afraid I would end up snarling at her and she really ticked me offff! If I were about to answer, I'd rather say "It's none of ur business and you dont have to busy yourself about me and PISS OFF!!"

I tell you wut, firstly, I wont never ever gonna 'carik' a bf (until I'm desperate enough to get married or sumthing). If it's there, it's there. The time will come. Secondly, 18 is not the right age for me to 'carik' sumone. I'll attest to the veracity of the statement about getting myself into the real world but that doesnt mean I have to WASTE my time looking for a bf. Helllooo..Wut is up with that???! I have loads and tonnes of other things to look up for.

I've come across a blog and a bulletin in friendster discussing sumthing about Love and Relationship. I know, I supposedly not to read this kinda stuff since I seem to resent all about this but who cares. I've been in it and I need to know other people's opinion about it. I cant say much anything about love and relationship from my pov. Duh! Like I know anything. There was a person asking me a stupid question, "Dina, I know u're a hustler in studies and friendship and and bla bla..But isnt there anything that u're stupid in?" Well, I refused to answer in the first place since the person used the word 'stupid' there but then, I simply said "Love?"

Anyway, the blog discuss sumthing about why do certain people decided to be single instead of being in relationship. And the blogger gave a list. I have to say 90% of them are exactly wut I'm gonna say if I were asked the same question. "I'm not ready yet. Too young" and "The right guy/girl/time has not arrived" and "I have fabulous family and friends" and whatnot and bla bla..It's true isnt it? In a way, yes..

And the bulletin in friendster, it says sumthing about fake relationship. It's all about people nowadays who would simply pick anybody up to be his/her partner instead of getting to know the person first. Well, to me, this kinda people I dunno, shall I say desperate???? Yes, they are. I mean, how can you spend most of your time with strangers? That sounds a bit awkward tho. It doesnt matter if the guy/girl is a jerk (euphemism is used!) as long as they have somebody in mind, to talk to in the middle of the night, to say 'I love u' to, to care of, to hang out with and bla bla..Geez, that's scary. Hahaha..Pitty them for being in a fake relationship but wut the heck, it's their life, it's their way to live, it's their decision and yes, it's totally none of my business.

I know, different people have various and different opinion especially about this run-of-the-mill thingy. I dont say people in relationship are desperate or unhappy. It's just happen to those who think they really are. Some people think being single is pathetic and rueful and unhappy. They might say "Alaa, cakap je laa you cant get a guy/girl or tak laku". Say wutever you want. It's everybody's right to say. Some people think being in relationship doesnt mean both of them are happy. It depends. But to me, being single or not doesnt give any harm. Just go for the one that you love, if there's any. Fall in love with the person, not with the love itself.

Two days ago or so, Mum asked Lupi when does he want to get married and he said 30?? As if!!!!! Hahahaha.. Well, that's Lupi. Always being poyo in front of the family. Heheh.. I know he already has sumone in mind but it's his thing, so juz leave it. And Angah Aya suddenly said "Dina, ko kena kahwin by the age of 23 or 24," and I was like "KENA?" And they (Mum, Along Ima and Angah Aya and Lupi tooo!) started to plan up my future! "Nanti ko kahwin laa dgn ur senior ke..Time tu mesti dah jadik Medical Officer ke..Senang sikit" and Lupi was saying "Kalau dah x de sape2 sgt, ko ambik je kawan2 aku yg doctor2 tu"..And I was like..."Wut the hell is happening here??!".. What I'm trying to say here is, were they asking me to just pick up anybody when the time has reach the climax which I dont have anyone in mind?? Mana aci!!

The time will come, dina. Dont have to rush. Just be cool ^-^ If anyone ask me "Then, who'll be the person for you to talk to in the middle of the night?" -Sya. Or any of my friends. "Then, who'll be the person for you to take care of?" -Nazme? (Miss him so much!! I bet he's enjoying his time at Bukit Tinggi with Abg Norman's family.Heheh..) "And who'll be the person for you to say 'I love u so much. We will always be together until death do us apart' to?" -Mum and Dad.


Anonymous said...

dina!!haha..sorry for not replying your email..lots of things to be done..well,you know..nway,juz drop by to say hye and see wut's interesting stuff in here.seems like you got one.hehe..the new hairdo one..hahahaha..ok ok,sorryla aku bz and x sempat nak bace blog ko ni everyday and nak bg komen lg.after all, aku rase ko tau aku nak komen ape kan.hahah..i know, u're not that stupid in love cuma ko buat2 je.kalau aku mintak advice bukan main lg ko ek!!'s ok girl.dont have to think if u're not pleased to k.ok,i'm in a rush.i'll reply ur email later k!muah!

deynarashid said...

heyya bro!!eyh,thanx a lot for dropping by..x pe laa aku tau ko bz..dont have to waste ur time for my blog.buat mane yg penting dulu.i AM stupid in love.ko je yg x prasan kot.hahah..wutever bro.ko tau2 je laa kan aku paling malas kalau nak suruh pk pasal ni.heheh..yep,if u ever needed any advice,feel free to ask me k.extand my regard to kak ilaa k.miss ya!

Anonymous said...

omg whos the girl yg tanye ko soklan tu??hahaha..i swear it wasnt me..apsal ko x ckp je 'woi makcik,fuck off!' hahaha..ok sorry for swearing..actually ko x payah pk benda ni laa dina..its not wrong to be in relationship tp kalau last forever x pe poyo je 'i'll love u forever' or 'i'll always love u' pastu at the end of the day, break up..ape tu??yea right roy!!dina bab bag advice pasal cintan2 ni bukan main lg kan??hahah..aku rase sebab ko ni ego laa dina.ko kate ko takkan 'carik' laa ape laa..tu ego namenye tu!!! ko memang ego pon.lupi nak kawen umor 30??haha..ko kawen dulu laa camtu??bessssnye!!bulan april ni abang ko kawen pastu ko lak??eeee..x cayenye..hehehe..alaa,ko x boleh nak ckp lebih2 laa dina.skali tu ko mmg dgn kawan lupi ke,mane ko tau kan??syafiq tu buat kos ape??heheh..

deynarashid said...

a fren of mine.agak laa busy body senornyer.abaikan..yes,wut u said is right.perhaps they dont know what's the meaning of 'forever' or 'always'..ntahlaa..malas nak pk dah.aku mmg boleyh je nak bg ckp senang ah kan.eheh..aku rase cam nak kawen skrg je..kan senang..hahaha..kalau aku kawen dulu b4 abg amir camne?hahaha..ok,dat was tahpape.i need to chill my mind up ah..can anyone help me plzz!!ahaha..sya,bile ko nak dtg bangi.i need accompany laa..syafiq?aku pon x tau..ko ni,aku biase je ah.yg ko lak duk tanye ni pehal..ish

deynarashid said...

oh btw,aku ego?? can say that hun..and one more thing,lenkali bace instruction (it is?) btl2..kalau die kate web page,maknenye ko nye web page's add..macam laa ko ade..haha..bukan email address!!!

Anonymous said...

ahah..sorry makcik..aku x nampak laa die tulis web page..aku main letak je email add..eheh..dah laa tu..meh laa turun jb..takkan nak suruh aku terbang ke bangi kot..dah laa call aku kol 3pg!!hahaha..ko dah ok x?huhu..ko ni..teruk btl laa..i think u should post another entry tajuk die 'kawanku part 2'..ahahaha..ok, bad joke

deynarashid said...

im fine i GUESS..yea,i think i should too..hahah..abaikan