Monday, May 02, 2005

Current mood: Mixed up

April has passed by and May just met the beginning. Everything seems like changing at its own pace. Confusion may hold me back at this precise moment of time. Talking about my future is what I dislike the most because it never seems spot-on and it is totally not black and white that may arise the worriedness and agitation. But that is how it works. You will never know what will happen next and you dont even get to lead the way. Sometimes I try to shun myself away from thinking about all these stuff and bottle things up but I just can't. I have been trained to be this way since I was a little and I have to accept it.

Alhamdulillah, my interview went .p.r.e.t.t.y. well. I enjoyed the session and the panels were just the finest ones because they did not bring up any 'unexpected' questions (eg: Do you have AIDS?? Tell me what are the symptoms.) I mean, how come they asked such question? Does that mean we have to study about all those diseases existed before attending the interview?? I know, they wanted to calculate the quality and see how much do we know and aware to that kind of things. And they were actually evaluating our performance, not to know the exact asnwer for questions dedicated. And it's invariably asked to medical applicants. But "Do you have AIDS?"???! What is up with that?? And that is not enough. Some panels they just tried to be soo bitchy and irritating and some even said "Your english is tip top but your answers didnt up to my expactations". What did they expact then?? To form up a debate or sumthing?? They just really pissed people off, seriously.

But my panels were ok. That was quite a credit though. However....They asked me something, well, I couldnt say 'unexpected' question because I was about to revise about it but time just did not let me. You know, last week was quite a hectic one, so, I was actually not that prepared for the interview. I once thought "Hmm..Is it possible for them to ask me something about basketball?" Since I played the sport back there in college and it's neately printed on my testimonial, the thought simply popped in. But I was like "Alaaa, bantai je laa kalau die tanye pape.." And at the end of the day...

Panel: Can you tell me what are the rules in playing basketball??
Me: Damn!!! I had the exact question in mind!!!!!!! Shooot me!!! I couldnt even recall one of the ruless!!! (Ok, I will kill myself if that is what I answered. Well, I'm not going to type down my script =P but it was ABSOLUTE HIDEOUS!! That was seriously the lousiest part of all. Hahaha..)

But hey, it was not that bad though. Not to say that I am reaching up the vagueness level but just like I said, we cant foretell the future. Yes, they were other hundreds fantastic applicants, indeed. But all I can do is just wait and see..and of course keep praying hard. Nonetheless, I am actually thinking to go for matrix..but I dunno. This is what I said, pented up by confusion. Haih..Mengeluh lagi...

Anyhow, the wedding went on like a bomb!! I was really happy especially when I received a surprising visit from a few of my friends. Why why, I was really had a great time. Heheh.. Ooowh, and afar dropped in as well with his cute lil bro (Jgn jeles ye abang! Heh..) Really glad he made it =) The bottom line is, I enjoyed meeting up with my friends and cant wait for the next gathering.

These are some pictures taken during the big events (including akad nikah, wedding in cheras and bangi)

So, I think that is all for now. Oooo wait!! Wira just came up with his new blog and he keeps yelling around the town about it and begging for comments (Haha..Gurau je wira) so, do stop by at his blog and check out those interesting stuff!! Good job, Wiraa!!


Irzan said...

Hey ... thanks for visiting my blog .. i got your link from the referring pages ... nice job at your blog!

Keep up the good work... maybe we can link each other someday ... :)


Anonymous said...

hah....rules dalam basketball...haha...herm..aper punya soalan da...adik aku cute?herm..ko nak booking dulu ker?kena bayar duit muka dulu kat aku...ader brani?ari tuh agak segan gak la aku...sumer aku tengok berpakaian kemas and sampai kat aku ngan adik aku..herm...takleh nak dikatakan...camnih kene beli baju batik nih..hahaha....enjoi!!!

deynarashid said...

wah wah..ade org baru balik mandi air trjn keeeee?hehe..

hahaha..agak laa bodo soklan tu tp mmg posibble utk ditanye pon.aku dah agak dah die nak tanye!!!!geram gile..hohho..dah ar jawapan aku teramat bodoh..ish ish..tanak jumpe panel tu dah!!heh..

nak book adik ko??huhu..terlalu mude kot..hahahaha..lg pon 'abg' die cam x bagi je.......ahahaha..gurau2 je..alaa, lepak ah..kwn2 aku tu (lelaki laa especially!!) pon ade gak yg pakai bj je..huhu..

Anonymous said...

Assalammualaikum.. hm ur english is gewd... i am guessin that ur english is british.. so it kinda make me dizzy hahahah.... seriously... i have allergy for british english...

Wow.. nice day u're having eh.. wonderin who's that guy/girl in the pics.. u know the pics with the boys in it... the one in red cloth... and long hair...

Dont worry much bout ur interview.. you need to focus on what's real.. k... thanks for supporting my blog anyway.. nice site this is.. cya later aight?

deynarashid said...

wslm wira!well,i dunt really noe which english i use but trust me,it's not perfectly perfect usage used.haha..

oooooow,that GUY is haziq lorrr!!haha..gedik boy,beser laa.hehe..really looking forward to organizing another gathering and it's much much pleasant if u're around.hehe..maybe next time laa eheh

thanx for the comment nway.c ya!