Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Nuthing to be said, tho

My dear friend, Shazman, called me up the other day. He left a dozens of missedcalls and thousand of messages asking me, why havent I updated my blog with something 'about-me' post. Haha.. I dont know why he got so mad when he found out that I blogged irregularly. I'm not a blogaholic am I? Haa, man? As if he doesnt keep up with my updates. Gile kot? PMS mengalahkan aku. Hahaha.. "Aku balik umah skali skale je, tgk2 ko tak update blog! Marah arr!!" He's a bit of a nutter. Haha..

Well currently, I'm confronting with a very stupid problem regarding my intention to put up my music box in this blog. I've asked a few 'sifus' about the coding stuff and I think I've done what I'm supposed to do. It just turns out not very good!! Arrghh..Tensyen betul. The thing is, I'm too enraptured by the Michael Buble's song, Home. I listened to it like every single time! While driving, eating, reading that so boring Tony Parsons, blogging (Oh yes, I'm listening to it now), and I've burned the song in almost every cd I have! Haha.. Gile betul. So, I'd be very2 glad if the music naturally wafts through my blog without opening the Windows Media Player. Plus, let it be contagious and you all know how strong the hypnosis is. Eheh..

Ok, I'm off. I'm gonna sleep like a log! Eheh..Nyte2 guys

[p/s: I'm quite disappointed with Jesse's performance today but I know he'll get his luck in another days ahead. *Doffs my hat to Sergio, The Contender =) and Jesse ;)* I'm gonna miss em..]


Anonymous said...

ye la.mane tak marah.aku balik je dgn semangat nak bace blog ko, kot2 laa ko dah kawien ke, tunang tak.lepas geram plak die.ish.......pastu..ngumpat aku plak tu!!ko ni bahaye la dina.

deynarashid said...

ahaha..laaa..dah tu aku x tau nak blog pasal ape..hurrmm..skrg ade laa tp aku tanak ah tulis dlm blog,bahye nnt ade 'org' tu bace,kantoi arrrr..eheh..