Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Physics Rocks!

PUs: Cikgu, nama anak cikgu ada 3 pekataan kan?
Mr.Rahimy: Ha'ah. Triple N bt Rahimy Fitry (Damn! I keep forgetting his daughter's name. How come I forgot my favourite teacher's daughter's name? *slapping forehead*)
PUs: Tak panjang sgt ke. Nanti nak isi borang utk pape ke mesti susah.
Mr.Rahimy: Takde la. Isteri cikgu ade 3 jugak.
Dina: Isteri cikgu ade 3???? *completely surprised*
Mr.Rahimy: Haaa?? *mata terbeliak*
PUs: Wakakakakakaka!! Muahahahaaa!!

Dina: Eh korang, pergi lab la. Cikgu dah lame tunggu.
PUs: Dina sorg je semangat nak pegi kelas Fizik. Huhu..
Dina: Korang tanak pegi dah. *walk with a slow gait. waiting them to start picking up books and ready to go to the lab. But they didnt!! They idly sit still on their own spots!!!!*
Dina: Wei korg cepat laaa sikit!!!
PUs: Ok laa ok laa. Eee..susah betul Dina semangat2 time Fizik ni.. *so I finally rush off their feet.. ~prouds~ Hehe..*

Mr.Rahimy: Ok, cikgu dah habis tanda kertas. Nak tak?
PUs: Mesti laa nak tapi cikgu teka laa nama kitorg.
*So he called our name one by one*
Mr.Rahimy: Rushdina! *trying to look for the right face*
*Everyone in the class intentionally not listen to him including me! Hehe..jahat*
*And suddenly Kay raised her hands up and Cikgu Rahimy started to look confused*
Mr.Rahimy: Ni bukan atikah ke?
PUs: Aisehman..Macam mana cikgu boleh tak kenal Rushdina ni!!
*And laughter wafted through the air. He blushed. Comel comel. Haha..*
Mr.Rahimy: Haaa..Ni Rushdina. Apsal buat x tau je. *Passing the paper to me*
Dina: Hehe..Saje *Grinss*

Mr.Rahimy: So, trial MARA tak lame je lagi. Dah prepare ke blm?
PUs: Alaa cikgu. Trial MARA susah laaa.
Mr.Rahimy: Selalunya lagi susah dari SPM tapi takpe laa, kalau study ok, insyaAllah ok la. Kita kena yakin.
Dina: Yeaa!! Saya yakin dengan fizik!! (Dush! Kill me kill me!! My voice filled up the room out of nowhere!! How stupid I can be? Haha..)
*Everybody stared at me*
Mamal: Hahah..Dina poyo gileee

Mr.Rahimy: SPM tak lama lagi so, cikgu tak masuk kelas, korg study sendiri. Kalau ada apa2 masalah boleh jumpa cikgu.
PUs: Dina ada banyak masalah, cikgu!!!
*He blushed again. Haha.. Tak gune punye classmate*
Dina: Tak de laa cikgu. Saya ok! Diorg je yg byk masalah. *Grins*
Mr.Rahimy: Ok Rushdina. Kalau ada masalah boleh jumpa cikgu.
*So he left*
PUs: Suka laa tu boleh dating! Ok la, sape2 ade masalah tak payah jumpa cikgu, jumpa Dina je.

Hahaha..Why why, how I miss the class so much!! Well, back then, my classmates used to tease me with Cikgu Rahimy. I dont know how it started but we had so much fun in the class. Not that only we enjoyed the times, he sure felt the same thing. People say we, the PUs (stands for the class' name, Plutonium) always pulun for the exams. Yep, The Plutoniums were also known as The Puluniums. But hell no, we played a lot, laughed our head off like we never know the meaning of sadness. Yes, we studied like hell but not as pulun as they think. We just tried to be as happy as we could be. That was the most happening class I had ever been in. Sweet memories they are.

And now, I'm preparing to go for the matriculation. Still waiting for MARA but going to matrix could be fun too. Meeting up new friends, attending the orientation week. Just hope everything will be fine. Oh yes, I did not mention about starting classes did I? Haha..That's because I'm reaaaaaaallly not looking forward to starting my classes. Duh!! My laziness still at its high level. Haha.. But whatever it is, I really really hope to get the scholarship. Tanak laa duk matrix. Hehe.. Ok, I've been talking gibberish so much, so better let it stop. Cheers!~


Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum!!! wahahhahah...kiter gelak cam org gile smbl rolling on the floor when i was reading ur article bout d physics thingy!!! seb baik my rummate tgh tdo..klu x..lg terok!!!~~hahhahahahahaha..gle ah...i never knew dat u cud remember evry single thing dat happened in d physics classes...yer ar..dina kan mane penah igt org...(except for cg.rahimy.hehe)wes..kiter pun rindu gak kat 5 pu..haha..igt x mase bulan poser?? evryday mesti ader org bwk food gi clas,pastuh makan rmai2...hahhaha.best gile...wa...i want to go back to lgkwi!!! missing u all like crazy...huhu

deynarashid said...

wslm. haha..gelak teguling2?wahahahaha..tahpape syira.kannye lawak pon.huhu..tp rindu gile kat kelas kan??basically rindu yaamatz kat maktab ah.hehe..musti ah igt..kelas fizik ok!!!sape x igt kan?haha..lebih2 lagi ade ckg rahimy yg cute.mane bleh lupe.hahaha.. oowww..pastu ade satu lagi scene nak letak, time kelas agame ngan ustad rom.tp x igt the exact setting and the script tp yg igt korg sume kate "dina ade skandal ngan ckg rahimy" pastu ustad rom cam tekejut je.hahaha..x gune ah korg.saba je laa..hahahaha..mase bulan pose plg igt cucur udang n tau-foo-faa laa.beli 10 bungkus pon sure abis!!! dah laa de syikin yg pelahap tu.alaa,sume laa pelahap!!hahahaha..pantang nampak makanan mesti tekejar2 cam kebuluran gile.haha..plg menjadi sambutan meja yah n dina laa.sbb yah kan rajin blanje.kuikui..alaaaaa..bessnyeeeeeee kat maktab dulu.hehe

Anonymous said...

haha...hye dina...my 2nd cousin...kite pun rindu gile seh pu...tolongla...best gile ok that class..hehe...so awk tak contact lg ke cg rahimy...koff..koff..heheh

deynarashid said...

hey lah =) ahaha...contact cg rahimy??? hhuhu..x de ah..die tukar no fon ah =( heh