Friday, May 06, 2005

My endless support

Regarding to this post, I think putting up the button would cause no harm. I know Mirul has such a noble heart. Oh yes he is. Mobile|Mum must be very glad with Mirul and thankful for every support he shows. Hehe.. Well, suffering from cancer is what most people spurn but who knows what is going on next? It's beyond our authority. It's nothing more than a way of life.

We would never feel the genuine agony endured by one who is in the throes of something we dont know how it's going to end and the increasing pain inside until we confront it ourselves. Most of us are not aware to this piece of grind because everyone is busy with our own business and never take even a glimpse to other's life. When people need helps, we always be the last person to lend a hand and always be the first person to run. Why must it come? Why does it happen? Why should we shun? It's not wrong to be curious but just bare in mind that everything happens to be God's job. Who are we to protest?

Well, mum will be undergoing her operation next Friday. That little fiendish fibroid really must have been ditched as soon as posibble. Excessive bleeding has put her through quite a tough experience. Last week, she was admitted to hospital for a blood transfusion due to the very low level of hemoglobin in her blood (I'm not very clear about this) but according to the scale, if the level reaches below 8 over 11 then you need to undergo a blood transfusion in order not to get anything affected especially the heart.

It was one day before the kenduri kahwin, mum looked very pale and ghastly so Along Ima brought her to Hospital Putrajaya to check her anaemic level and it was read 6.6 which is very very low. So, Abg Amir and Kak Sue brought her to HUKM and there she was, admitted for a day for a 2 pints of blood transfusion. It hurts for me though to see mum helplessly lying on the bed, with a mind thinking about loads of things. It was bitter.

Dad said it is genetically inherited but that does not mean one of us will be facing the same thing. We never know. Semua kejadian ada hikmahnya so why must we avoid it?

So, here I put the button as showing my endless support to Mobile|Mum. May God bless her for every sacrifice she has done and may she always full of strength and spirit to go through the days ahead. 3:139 So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. (Al-Imran)

So dear friends, let us pray for the happiness of both Mums and God always know what is the best for them. Happy Mother's Day, Mum. I love you so much.


Anonymous said...

ya Allah ya Tuhanku,kau lindungilah kedua-dua ibu.semoga mereka berjaya menghadapi segala dugaanmu. Amiin..

Anonymous said...

canteksss gile blog. huhu. ni bukan frenster blog, kan? sempat lagi tuh nak promote blog sendiri dalam blog org lain. huhu, thanx anyways. u'll get it, too, i'm sure.

deynarashid said...

amiinn.. thanx ed =)

tak blogspot..hehe..thanx too

Anonymous said...

Hi deyna,

Thank you so much for your support. My prayers for your mom too. Insya'ALLAH she will be fine.

My mom had taken her fibroid out a long time ago. She's doing OK now.

During a routine medical check up, it was one of the blood test I request that tells me I have cancer. Listen to our body.

Thank you for you support. Yes I thanked MiruL for his endless support. :)