Friday, March 14, 2008

Take Me Away..

"Aku ada fobia pada ketinggian. Aku gayat. Aku takut jatuh. Memang pemandangannya cantik dari ketinggian ini, tapi kalau jatuh tentunya lebih sakit kan?" kata seorang kawan.

Aku suka la quote ni. Sebab aku mmg gayat. I hate heights. Sebab tu aku lagi suka pantai daripada gunung. Whatever it is, no matter how beautiful the view is from up there, I'd rather be down here than regretting over flying too high.

The next cycle is coming up. I hate this feeling. I hate being controlled by hormones. I hate it when emotions take control over everything.

I skipped my formative-assessment feedback lecture this afternoon. I skipped the next two lectures about God-knows-what. Just right after my test, I went back to my hall, jumped onto my double bed and let my mind took me wherever it wants. I’m not in the mood :(

Abg t@m@t is going back to Malaysia for good. Kak @m@ni is going back to Malaysia for 5 weeks. And so is Izw@n. And so is my flatmate. Four of my friends are going to Prague. So, in the end, I’m left here with everyone’s being away. And my camera is idly put on the shelf, untouched and berhabuk. So how is it relevant for me to be happy and contented? How is it possible for ‘not-in-the-mood’ feelings not being applied to my current condition?
photo taken by antonious.
J, take me away from here..
Take me to the ocean..
Let us go there..
I want to bid farewell to the Sun..
I want to fly along with the birds..
I want to sing together with the waves..
I want to hum along with the wind..
I want to float freely on the sea..
Forget about everything on the land..
I want to close my eyes..
And feel Him within me..
I want to close my eyes..
And pray..
I want to close my eyes..
And throw everything of him away..
I want you to know..
That this is what I really want..
Please, J..
Take me away..


Anonymous said...

who's J?????????!!!

deynarashid said...

J?? siapa J?

Haha.. apa hang merepek ni im oiii.. nanti gua cerita sama luu, ok kah?