Monday, February 21, 2005

People Come, People Go

Ask yourself, what would you do if you wake up in the morning and ferret out that your loved one has gone? How do you feel if..
  • You were idly waiting outside the OT, praying and hoping that your loved one will gonna make it. But unfortunately, when the Doctor stepped out of the OT, he heaved a sigh of disappointment while shaking his head and said "Sorry, we've tried our best. He couldnt make it."?
  • You were preparing for a birthday celebration for your loved one and suddenly you received a shocking phone call "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your loved one has involved in a car accident and he has a very slim chance to live."?
  • You had a falling-out with your fiance on the phone while he was driving and suddenly a terrible thing happened and all you can hear from the distance was just a scream and a bang?
  • The one that you loved and cared about, who taught you a lot about life, whom you always turned to whenever you feel down, who would lift you up when you feel you were a total failure, who had taught you how to shoot some pool, who had taught you how to arrange strategies in battle and the one that you once placed in your heart had gone away forever from your life?
Everything happens with reasons. And we have to accept no matter what. That's how the life goes. We dont always get what we want. But all the charming and perfectly divine moments will be forever called to mind.

Thanx for everything, bro. May God guides you on the right path and bless you through all the years..


Anonymous said...

tak pe, abang ko tu x mati lagi..ahahahahaks..ok sorry..sungguh rude and bad joke

deynarashid said...

isk..terasenye aku!biar laa..all i can do is just pray for the best for him..

Anonymous said...

eh,chill man!lepak ah..takkan terase kot..x pe,i'm sure he's doing great,dont worry

hazwanitcd said...

ur bro really involve in accident ker? dunno pon????? true huh?? which 1?..... |blurrr||!!!

deynarashid said...
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deynarashid said...

abg aku yg lupi tu accident tp die ok je..aku post entry ni bukan sebab die laa..saje je..huhu..ade sorg kwn aku tu die sakit.but he's recovering ah..tu je..x de kene mengena ngan abg aku..hehe