Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Happy Birthday, Doc!

In covering up my previous entry, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Mirul 'Happy 21st Birthday!'. Going back the first time I read his blog, it was not a coincidence. It happened by purpose. That is what Friendster used for. The relation was pretty much like this: me -> alitt -> syazwan -> mirul. So dear Mirul, good luck in your future undertakings, may you achieve whatever you pursue and can't wait to see you as a doc! Wowweee! God bless! =)


Anonymous said...

alg2 aku dh bace entry ko ni, maka 'slamat hari lahir' kepada tuan mirul. die baye aku rupenye.birthday aku tak lame lagi dina!jgn lupe buat entry pasal aku. heheh

deynarashid said...

laa.kan aku dah ckp mirul baye ko.hampeh ar ko

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE LALING BEBEH!'<--mau kene pelempang ngan kak ila.hehe

dah..takyah buat entry lain laa.malas