Sunday, June 05, 2005

Pick Whatever You Want

Check this out: The Lost Codger. Kinda kewl! [Sorry mr.Ijun for promoting your site without your permission *smirks*]

Nengok nih. Klaka gak ah..

Anyway, nothing's up today and not much to be blogged about. Went to watch Madagascar yesterday with A.Ima, A.Aya, Lupi and Icah and trust me, it's hillarious and comell!!!! I like Marty and funny Melman. If one day they happen to perfome it in theatre just like The Lion King, I'll pay for whatever price to get the ticket. And I dont think they would. Heh..Not that appropiate to play in such attires on the stage. But why not?


Anonymous said...

alahai.cutenye vc tu!madagascar cute jugak!

deynarashid said...

aku cute lagi! hik =P