Wednesday, June 29, 2005

oh dummies the dumbbells!

Doc: Tolong admitkan patient ni under diagnosis of dengue.
MA: Dengue? Bukan cirit-birit ke?
Doc: No, it's dengue.
MA: Oh, ok. Dengue eh? Betul ke?
Doc: Yes, it's dengue, you dumb! *and the doc throws an odd stare*

Patient: Err doctor, dalam hidung saya ni mcm ada benda. Sakit pulak tu.
Doctor: Oh, tu jerawat dalam hidung je.
Patient: Oh, kalau macam tu..saya batuk sebenarnya.
Doctor: Ok, nanti saya bagi ubat batuk. Pakcik ni banyak songeh betul!!! *rolls eyes*

I just cant imagine what way would I react if I face this kind of dumbers. Not to say that they are as brainless as the donkeys but they just don't go with the exact ethics and manners. Do they think by being an annoying and ticking-people-off person would raise up their income or anything? Or, maybe they're too dumb and by making a fool and infliction to somebody who obviously knows better than them would reflect them as smart people??? Come on guys, get a brain!!

So now I know why people say doctors need to be patience. Not just for handling with the real patient but for dealing with this kind of creatures! *sigh..*

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